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Vendor's Application Form

Note: Information marked with(*) is must be given. You may be rejected for not filling the blank.

Company Information

Please indicate which name will be used to show on the cheque.

Description of Your Company


Payment Terms

[For timely delivery of payment, we ask that the statements be sent to acctpay@koreafood.ca by the 7th day of each month at the latest. Late receipt of statement could result in delay of payment]

Term and Agreement

By signing this application form you are agreed that all the information collected is true and agree term and conditions that may affect in the future. Please note that purpose of this term and agreement is not to create any benefit for any company, but to avoid conflict that might occur which can bring harm to both buyer and seller.

General Agreements

In case of address change or business name, please notify us directly by sending us mail or fax of:

  • New Vendor's application Card
  • Proof of your company's changed address or name (copy of Master Business License)
  • Signature from Authorized Personnel from KFT and Vendor.

In case of taking over business, please notify us directly by sending us mail or fax of:

  • New Vendor's application Card
  • Proof of taking over (copy of Master Business License of new vendor showing)
  • Signature from Authorized Personnel from KFT and Vendor.
Lost / Fault issued cheques

Please be advised that you are responsible for lost or fault issued cheques. If you loss your cheque and has to be re issued, you must pay $25 administration fee which will be deducted from the total amount to be received. In case of misprint of old address or sent to wrong address and you haven't sent us the new addressed vendor's application form, it is your responsibility to collect the cheque. Otherwise you must pay $25 administration fee of $25 as well.


In order to be paid in proper term and to avoid for late payments, please note that our company requires statement of the invoices which has been issued. Also it is agreed and understood that if vendor sends statement late or if it is incorrect as it is stated on the statement with the invoices, we will not be responsible for late cheques and will not be charged for any late payment penalty. We might hold payment until it's been corrected.

Return Policy

Vendor must provide buyer with fresh product as possible and buyer has right to return goods that has been altered or defected without any deduction from the purchase price. It is also agreed that buyer may return the goods if life time of the product is not reasonable enough to sell in terms of time. Unless it has been agreed and has written document, all the goods that are returned will be compensated without any deduction or penalty. Buyer must return the altered and defected goods within days otherwise must be agreed with the vendor in order to return goods. Goods that are returned after the day above mentioned needs to have agreement from the vendor to return. Goods that are defected or been altered after it was received will also need to agreement with both buyer andvendor.


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